Monday, 11/12/2017 of Scorpio: you are also sympathetic and willing

Neptune’s Moon 150 degrees so that Scorpio becomes more listened, you are also sympathetic and willing to help others when needed and do not expect response. Your goal is that everyone who is happy, happy and can help someone achieve this is enough to make you feel good.

You may not be interested, but in fact, tidying up your room is extremely important. Someone reminding you that this is absolutely true, even have a scientific basis should be: work space has an important role and impact on human psychology.

Modern means of transport cause many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, hemorrhoids, constipation, headaches, etc. Lots of physical activity are becoming enemies for your health. Therefore, always try to participate in simple motor activities such as walking, swimming, cycling … whatever, as long as the movement.

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