Sunday, 17/12/2017 of Gemini: very good income

The Moon is 45 degrees Celsius Saturn, and the constellation is financially rewarding so it can earn a very good income. You have the urgency needed so when the moment arrived immediately immediately grabbed and acted in accordance with the route set, of course not bad results.

Gemini is weak in spirit, mainly due to self-threat, but no impact from the outside. You feel you are still missing a feeling that is so difficult to name so wandering, not oriented and like to find a quiet place to think, rest, get back to balance.

Is love making hesitation, it is clear that the relationship is still good but there is still space vacillated. Instead of hiding from the opposite side, expressing your thoughts to the other person and finding a way to bring the two closer together, embracing sadness alone will only make the situation worse.

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