Tuesday, 12/12/2017 of Aquarius: self-esteem that self-esteem

The moon is 120 degrees, self-esteem that self-esteem of your self too excessive, so love passed, there is no regret can do nothing. At the moment lost and then respectfully, know that I was too light hearted this passage, in the heart would not be pleasant at all.

Work is still normal progress, there are lost, there are advantages also disadvantage, Aquarius himself take over, without the help of anyone. At this time you are also quite busy, can use the work to fill the sadness in the private affection should be more hard work.

Have a light touch so in addition to careful travel, careful observation when taking traffic, you should keep calm when the problem occurs. Absolutely not loud, not cause to avoid further inconvenience to the body, taking the first harmony, you can negotiate anything.

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